Pain Is Really A Pain---But Is It?
PAIN can be the driving force motivating you to schedule your intial appointment. While certainly pain is not what we want in our lives, it does serve a useful purpose.
The symptom of PAIN is our inherent built-in warning system that something has gone way too far, and an impending crisis is in the works. IT IS NOT OK to ignore, bypass, or cover up this warning signal.
All too often people cover up this symptom called PAIN for months and even years with over-the-counter medication or dangerous addictive prescription drugs. This leads to your underlying condition progressing further and further causing possible permanent damage to discs, nerves, joints, organs, muscles, and other tissue, not to mention the side effects the drugs have on your immune system, heart, kidneys, liver, and other vital organs. This is NOT OK.
The pharmaceutical industry would like you to believe that health is found in a pill or potion. A major drug company recently stated that their intedned goal is to have every American on some sort of "life enhancing" drug from birth to death! And just why would they want that? I'll let you answer that.
Can you imagine a fire raging in your home? The fire department, responding to the alarm, rush to the scene. They burst into your home only to turn the fire alarm off, and then leave without putting out the fire. THAT WOULD BE INSANE!! We would all question the logic, but you see that's what happens when you only mask, or ignore your PAIN . You are just turning the alarm off or muting it.
Besides all of this, your condition was progressing way before you had symptoms, just like the fire was started long before the smoke gets to the alarm and it rings out. While PAIN is generally a poor indicator as to whether your body is truly healthy or not, it is still our first priority to help you relieve your pain as fast as possible. And we at Crosby Chiropractic Center have been helping our patients do just that for over 32 years, servicing and helping the communities of Crosby, Huffman, Highlands, Dayton, and Lake Houston residents to live healthier and pain-free lives.
We believe true health is possible, but the first step is seeking out chiropractic to find the underlying cause to your problem, where we address it, treat it, and enable people to have peace of mind that not only have their symptoms gone away but now they'll understand the root issues and know how to fix them, and thereby are able to return back to doing all the activites they want to do and live life again.
In Heath,
Dr. Rob Rosenbaum, Dr. Chad Thornton and all the staff at Crosby Chiropractic Center
Crosby Chiropractic Center is located in Crosby Texas, and services the areas of
Huffman, Highlands, Baytown, Sheldon, Liberty and Dayton.
Call new to Schedule your Appointment 281-328-5544